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The Group Holds Mobilization Conference for In-Depth Learning of Jiangsu Guotai Group's Entrepreneurship Vanguard Model

  • 分类:NEWS
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  • 发布时间:2023-08-27 15:32:25
  • 访问量:341

【概要描述】On August 26th, in order to deeply learn from the advanced achievements of the Group's entrepreneurial vanguard model team and further promote the Guotai spirit of hard work and entrepreneurship, the Group held the "In-Depth Learning of Jiangsu Guotai Group's Entrepreneurship Vanguard M

The Group Holds Mobilization Conference for In-Depth Learning of Jiangsu Guotai Group's Entrepreneurship Vanguard Model

【概要描述】On August 26th, in order to deeply learn from the advanced achievements of the Group's entrepreneurial vanguard model team and further promote the Guotai spirit of hard work and entrepreneurship, the Group held the "In-Depth Learning of Jiangsu Guotai Group's Entrepreneurship Vanguard M

  • 分类:NEWS
  • 作者:
  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2023-08-27 15:32:25
  • 访问量:341

On August 26th, in order to deeply learn from the advanced achievements of the Group's entrepreneurial vanguard model team and further promote the Guotai spirit of hard work and entrepreneurship, the Group held the "In-Depth Learning of Jiangsu Guotai Group's Entrepreneurship Vanguard Model" mobilization conference in the Guotai Hall of the Guomao Hotel. All members of the Group's Party Committee and Board of Directors, directors, supervisors, and senior management personnel from Jiangsu Guotai, Ruitai New Materials, and its subsidiary companies, as well as department heads from the Group Company and Ruitai Headquarters, and middle-level cadres at the deputy department level and above from various companies, totaling nearly 800 people, attended the meeting. At the same time, the conference set up 14 branch venues in various companies and major investment locations both domestically and abroad, with Chinese management personnel from the Myanmar Industrial Park and key foreign employees participating in the conference via video link. The conference was chaired by Zhang Bin, Co-President of the Group.

The conference began with speeches from representatives of the Jiangsu Guotai Group's entrepreneurial vanguard model, including Zhu Ronghua, General Manager of Huasheng Company, Cao Chunling, General Manager of Guomao Industrial Company, Sun Ling, General Manager of Guohua Company, and Xu Xiaolan, General Manager of Hanbo Company. Subsequently, representatives from various related subsidiaries, including Yumin, Deputy General Manager of Huasheng Company, Chen Guihong, Deputy General Manager of Guosheng Company, Yang Jian, Deputy General Manager of Guohua Company, Wang Shu, Assistant General Manager of Guomao Industrial Company, and Li Gang, Manager of Branch One of Hanbo Company, made statements about the advanced achievements of their respective subsidiary teams.

In the closing remarks, Chairman Zhang Ziyan of the Group provided a detailed overview of the development of each subsidiary in the year 2022, the historical honors received by various companies since 2017, and the situation of the five entrepreneurial vanguard model teams. He emphasized that the entrepreneurial vanguard model teams should strengthen their learning and continue to lead the Group in high-quality and sustainable development, continuing to be pioneers. Other teams should strive to improve themselves and learn from the development philosophy and entrepreneurial dedication spirit of "Jiangsu Guotai Group's Entrepreneurship Vanguard Model," becoming a member of the advanced models through practical actions.





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