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The Group Holds the 2023 Annual Summary and Advanced Collective Commendation Conference

  • 分类:NEWS
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  • 发布时间:2024-05-26 10:12:31
  • 访问量:78

【概要描述】On May 25th, the Guotai Group’s 2023 Annual Summary and Advanced Collective Commendation Conference was held at the Guotai Hall of Guomao Hotel. Directors, supervisors, and senior management of Jiangsu Guotai and Ruitai New Materials, heads of departments of the group companies and Ruitai headquart

The Group Holds the 2023 Annual Summary and Advanced Collective Commendation Conference

【概要描述】On May 25th, the Guotai Group’s 2023 Annual Summary and Advanced Collective Commendation Conference was held at the Guotai Hall of Guomao Hotel. Directors, supervisors, and senior management of Jiangsu Guotai and Ruitai New Materials, heads of departments of the group companies and Ruitai headquart

  • 分类:NEWS
  • 作者:
  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2024-05-26 10:12:31
  • 访问量:78

On May 25th, the Guotai Group’s 2023 Annual Summary and Advanced Collective Commendation Conference was held at the Guotai Hall of Guomao Hotel. Directors, supervisors, and senior management of Jiangsu Guotai and Ruitai New Materials, heads of departments of the group companies and Ruitai headquarters, middle and senior managers of each company, current partners, and outstanding new college graduates who have been employed for one to three years, totaling nearly 1100 people attended the meeting. This conference set up 20 global branch venues in various subsidiaries and overseas investment enterprises. The meeting was chaired by the President of the Group, Chen Xiaodong.
Zhang Bin, the Vice President of the group, made a report on the group’s business operations in 2023; President Chen Xiaodong read out the “Guotai Group’s Advanced Collective Selection Criteria” and the “Guotai Group’s 2023 Annual Advanced Collective Commendation Decision”. The awards for the advanced collectives in 2023 include five categories: Standard-bearer companies, Company Performance Award, Special Standard-bearer Teams, Standard-bearer Teams, and Advanced Collective of Investment Factories, with a total of thirty-three advanced collectives awarded. Chairman Zhang Ziyan, Vice President Zhang Bin, and Vice President Jin Zhijiang of the group respectively presented awards to the winning advanced collectives.
At the meeting, Zeng Yuhong, Deputy General Manager of Guohua Company, Sheng Yuhong, Deputy General Manager of Hanbo Company, Bao Haizhong, Assistant General Manager of Huasheng Company, Qian Xiangting, Assistant General Manager of Yisheng Company, Wu Yujie, Manager of Guosheng Service Sixteen Division, Miao Like, Deputy Manager of Entity Construction Department of Shengtian Business Department of Huasheng Company, and Gan Chaolun, Deputy General Manager of Guotai Huarong, delivered speeches. Finally, Chairman Zhang Ziyan of the group made concluding remarks mainly focusing on four key aspects: the richness of talents, team building, striving to maintain growth through various means, comprehensively improving digital capabilities and levels, and continuously strengthening and expanding subsidiaries.





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